CLEAN FLIGHT Dual Layer Golf Ball Towel 5" x 5"


 The only Golf Ball towel you'll ever need!  PREMIUM DUAL LAYER WET/DRY GOLF BALL TOWEL:  Made with the same quality as our flagship product - CLEAN FLIGHT Premium Golf Ball washer - our golf ball and full length golf towels are the only towels you will ever need!  Made from the highest quality material and easily attachable to your golf cart or golf bag. Sturdiness & ease-of-use makes this the perfect product for all golfers. BETTER QUALITY / LARGER SIZE THAN THE COMPETITION.   A Clean Ball Lowers Score.

  • Brand: Clean Flight Golf
  • Availability: In Stock

 The only Golf Ball towel you'll ever need! 

  • PREMIUM DUAL LAYER WET/DRY GOLF BALL TOWEL:  Made with the same quality as our flagship product - CLEAN FLIGHT Premium Golf Ball washer - our golf ball and full length golf towels are the only towels you will ever need!  Made from the highest quality material and easily attachable to your golf cart or golf bag. Sturdiness & ease-of-use makes this the perfect product for all golfers.


  • A Clean Ball Lowers Score.

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